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Tuesdays & Thursdays 6:30pm - 7:30pm

Ages 8 - 11


Aimed at primary school-aged children, this group teaches the building blocks of athletic movement without focusing on any specific athletic event. Running, jumping and throwing are coached using a games-based approach withe the emphasis on fun!


When you watch children run naturally, you will quickly notice they all run very differently! Without focusing specifically on speed or endurance, we  introduce the basics of good running technique, and practice them over a variety of distances to give the best platform for future development.

Young athletes recieving coaching


Kids love jumping! In FUNdamentals we help them understand how to jump effectively and safely, and introduce some basic instruction in standing and running long jumps (sorry about the sandy shoes!)

Young athlete practicing long jump


We use child-friendly equipment such as howlers, foam javelins and soft shots to teach good throwing technique and coach how the whole body is utilised to produce the best throws.

Young athletes practicing throwing
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